We firmly believe that all students deserve enrichment opportunities that prepare them for success.

Our mission, history and work thus far are deeply rooted in a desire to help students prepare for college and their future careers.

Our Mission

We work in partnership with universities, museums, parks, schools, and other organizations to close the achievement gap by integrating evidence-based initiatives that instill students with a global mindset and essential skills and resources to succeed in their own college and career endeavors.

The National College Readiness Institute (NCRI) offers five programs in the Greater Houston area designed to prepare underprivileged youth in Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 for future success with project-based, real-world learning experiences.

How It All Started

As a business owner in the education sector, founder Michelle Frias saw firsthand how many students left high school without the necessary skills and know-how to succeed. She dreamed of ways to apply learning experiences for students to thrive, and to help close the achievement gap.

In 2016, the National College Readiness Institute was born with the goal of using project-based and enrichment experiences for youth, to open their eyes to possibilities and opportunities, and for a successful future.

A Dedicated Board of Directors

She assembled a Board of Directors with similar goals and dreams to lead the newly minted National College Readiness Institute. Our Board of Directors consists of committed, passionate and skilled members looking to make a difference in the lives of our youth. It includes first generation minority college graduates and experts in technology who care about providing resources and programs to instill a positive culture and a love for learning, through curiosity and problem solving.

About the Founder

As both Founder and Project Manager, Michelle Frias has years of experience working with schools, students, parents, nonprofit organizations, and various entities throughout to advocate wellness and education for underprivileged families. She personally relates to English as a Second Language (ESL) students from underprivileged communities throughout Greater Houston.

NCRI and its dedicated team are driven to inspire and prepare our youth through collaborative partnerships and quality programs.